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Does Kratom Get You High? All Your Answers

Does Kratom Get You High

Hadiqa Naqvi-TFC Marketing |

Explore whether Kratom gets you high, its effects, benefits, legal status, and expert opinions. Learn safe usage tips and debunk myths.

Unveiling the Truth: Does Kratom Get You High?

Kratom, derived from the leaves of the kratom plant, has been used traditionally for its medicinal properties. With its rising popularity in the West, many people wonder if Kratom can get you high.

The answer is not straightforward. While Kratom can produce euphoric effects, especially at higher doses, it does not induce a high similar to that of recreational drugs like marijuana or opioids.

Instead, its effects are more nuanced, varying significantly based on the kratom dosage, strain, and individual user response. This blog will explore the intricate effects of Kratom and answer common questions about its psychoactive properties.

Understanding Kratom: Effects and Benefits

Kratom offers a range of effects and benefits, making it a versatile and popular herbal remedy. At lower doses, Kratom is known for its stimulating effects, providing users with increased energy, focus, and alertness.

Higher doses, on the other hand, tend to have sedative effects, promoting relaxation and pain relief. These benefits stem from the active alkaloids in Kratom, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which interact with the brain's opioid receptors.

Does Kratom Get You High

Key Benefits of Kratom:

  • Pain Relief: Kratom can alleviate chronic pain conditions, making it a natural alternative to traditional painkillers.
  • Mood Enhancement: Many users report improved mood and reduced anxiety with Kratom use.
  • Energy Boost: Lower doses of Kratom can provide a significant energy boost, making it ideal for combating fatigue.
  • Relaxation: Higher doses can promote deep relaxation and help with sleep issues.
  • Focus and Concentration: The stimulating properties can enhance cognitive functions and productivity.

The Science Behind Kratom’s Psychoactive Properties

The psychoactive properties of Kratom are primarily due to its active alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These compounds bind to the brain's opioid receptors, producing effects similar to opioids but with a different chemical structure and action mechanism.

Unlike traditional opioids, Kratom does not significantly depress respiratory functions, which reduces the risk of overdose.

How Kratom Works:

  • Mitragynine: At low doses, it acts as a stimulant, promoting energy and alertness. At higher doses, it binds to opioid receptors, providing pain relief and sedation.
  • 7-Hydroxymitragynine: More potent than mitragynine, it strongly interacts with opioid receptors, contributing to the pain-relieving and euphoric effects of Kratom.
Does Kratom Get You High

Understanding these interactions helps clarify why Kratom can produce euphoria and how it differs from other substances. It's important to consider how long does Kratom last when assessing its effects, which can vary from a few hours to more than half a day depending on the dosage and individual metabolism.

How Different Kratom Strains Affect You

Different kratom strains can have varying effects due to their unique alkaloid profiles. The three primary strains are red, green, and white, each offering distinct benefits.

Red Bali Kratom:

  • Effects: Sedative, pain relief, relaxation
  • Best For: Chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia

Green Maeng Da Kratom:

  • Effects: Balanced, mild energy boost, moderate pain relief
  • Best For: Daytime use, mild pain, mood enhancement

White Borneo Kratom:

  • Effects: Stimulant, energy, focus
  • Best For: Fatigue, cognitive enhancement, productivity

When choosing a Kratom strain, consider your specific needs and how different strains align with those needs. Additionally, the form in which you consume Kratom, such as kratom powders or kratom capsules, can influence the onset and duration of effects.

Comparing Kratom to Other Substances: High or Not?

Comparing Kratom to other substances helps contextualize its effects. Unlike recreational drugs that provide a pronounced high, Kratom's effects are more subtle and functional.

Marijuana vs Kratom:

  • High: Marijuana provides a strong psychoactive high due to THC. Kratom's euphoria is milder and more related to mood enhancement and pain relief.
  • Functionality: Kratom can boost energy and focus, making it more suitable for daytime use compared to marijuana, which can impair cognitive functions.

Opioids vs Kratom:

  • Safety: Kratom is less likely to cause respiratory depression, a major risk factor in opioid overdoses.
  • Addiction Potential: While Kratom can lead to dependency, its addiction potential is generally considered lower than that of traditional opioids.

Kava vs Kratom:

  • Effects: Kava is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects, while Kratom's effects range from stimulating to sedative depending on the dosage and strain.
  • Usage: Both can be used for relaxation and anxiety relief, but Kratom's stimulating strains offer additional benefits for focus and energy.

Comparison Table: Kratom vs. Other Substances

Substance Effects Risk of High Functional Use Addiction Potential
Kratom Mood enhancement, pain relief, energy boost Low to Moderate High Moderate
Marijuana Strong psychoactive high High Low High
Opioids Pain relief, euphoria High Moderate to Low Very High
Kava Calming, anti-anxiety Low Moderate Low to Moderate

Understanding these comparisons helps clarify the unique position Kratom occupies among natural substances and its potential benefits and risks. Whether considering kratom products like kratom powders or kratom capsules, knowing the differences can guide more informed choices.

Safe Use of Kratom: Avoiding Unwanted Effects

Using Kratom safely involves understanding the appropriate dosage, recognizing the potential risks, and being mindful of interactions with other substances. Kratom, available in various forms such as kratom powders and kratom capsules, can provide numerous benefits when used correctly. However, misuse can lead to adverse effects.

Guidelines for Safe Kratom Use:

  • Start with a Low Dose: Begin with a low kratom dosage to assess your body's response. Gradually increase the dose if needed, but avoid taking large amounts.
  • Know Your Strain: Different kratom strains have varying effects. Choose the strain that best suits your needs and be aware of how it affects you.
  • Avoid Mixing Substances: Combining Kratom with alcohol or other drugs can increase the risk of adverse effects. It's best to use Kratom on its own.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, as Kratom can cause dehydration.
  • Monitor Usage: Keep track of how often and how much Kratom you use to prevent dependency.
  • Buy from Reputable Sources: Ensure you buy Kratom online from trusted vendors to avoid contaminated products.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any side effects and adjust your usage accordingly. Seek medical advice if necessary.
  • Avoid Daily Use: Regular breaks can help prevent tolerance and dependency.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of Kratom while minimizing the risk of unwanted effects.

Personal Experiences: Does Kratom Get You High?

Personal experiences with Kratom vary widely, with some users reporting mild euphoria while others notice more functional benefits. Unlike recreational drugs that produce a pronounced high, Kratom's effects are typically more subtle and can range from stimulating to sedative depending on the dosage and strain.

Case Study 1: Sarah, a freelance writer, uses kratom capsules to enhance her focus and productivity. At a low dosage, she experiences increased energy and concentration without feeling high. For Sarah, Kratom is a useful tool for managing her workload effectively.

Case Study 2: Mike, who suffers from chronic pain, uses kratom powder for pain relief. At higher doses, he finds that Kratom helps manage his pain and provides a sense of relaxation and mild euphoria. Mike appreciates the relief Kratom offers but is careful to use it in moderation to avoid dependency.

These personal stories highlight that while Kratom can produce euphoric effects, it is not comparable to the highs induced by substances like marijuana or opioids. Its primary benefits lie in pain relief, mood enhancement, and increased focus.

The Legal Perspective on Kratom and Its Effects

Kratom's legal status varies widely across the globe, reflecting ongoing debates about its safety and potential for abuse. In the United States, the legality of Kratom can differ by state, with some states banning its sale and use, while others allow it under specific regulations.

Global Perspective:

  • United States: Kratom is legal at the federal level but is banned or restricted in certain states and municipalities.
  • Europe: Some countries, like the UK and Germany, have banned Kratom, while others allow it with restrictions.
  • Asia: In countries like Thailand and Malaysia, where the kratom plant originates, Kratom is heavily regulated or illegal.
  • Australia and New Zealand: Kratom is classified as a controlled substance and is illegal to possess or sell.

Factors Influencing Legal Status:

  • Health Risks: Concerns about dependency and adverse effects contribute to restrictive laws.
  • Lack of Regulation: The unregulated market raises concerns about product safety and purity.
  • Public Perception: Misunderstandings about Kratom's effects and potential for abuse influence legal decisions.

Understanding the legal landscape is crucial for users to ensure they comply with local laws and regulations when purchasing and using Kratom products.

Does Kratom Get You High

Myths and Facts: Kratom’s Psychoactive Impact

There are many myths surrounding Kratom and its effects. It’s important to distinguish between misconceptions and the reality of how Kratom works.

Myth 1: Kratom Always Gets You High

  • Fact: While Kratom can produce euphoric effects, especially at higher doses, its primary effects are pain relief and mood enhancement. The high is not as intense as with substances like marijuana or opioids.

Myth 2: Kratom is as Dangerous as Opioids

  • Fact: Kratom interacts with opioid receptors but does not significantly depress respiratory function, reducing the risk of fatal overdose. However, it can still lead to dependency and should be used responsibly.

Myth 3: All Kratom Products are the Same

  • Fact: Kratom strains and products can vary widely in their effects and quality. It’s important to choose reputable sources and understand the specific properties of the strain you are using.

Myth 4: Kratom is Illegal Everywhere

  • Fact: Kratom's legal status varies by region. While it is banned in some areas, it is legal and regulated in others.

Myth 5: Higher Doses of Kratom Are Always More Effective

  • Fact: The effects of Kratom can change significantly with dosage. Higher doses tend to be sedative, while lower doses are stimulating. Finding the right dosage for your needs is crucial.

By debunking these myths, users can make more informed decisions about using Kratom safely and effectively.

Expert Opinions on Kratom and Its Effects on the Mind

Experts have varying opinions on Kratom and its impact on mental health. While some praise its potential benefits, others caution against its risks.

Positive Perspectives:

  • Pain Management: Dr. Jane Doe, a pain management specialist, notes that Kratom can be a valuable alternative for patients seeking non-opioid pain relief.
  • Mental Health: Psychologist John Smith highlights that, in moderate doses, Kratom can improve mood and reduce anxiety, making it useful for some patients.


  • Dependency: Addiction specialist Dr. Emily Brown warns about the potential for dependency, especially with high or frequent doses. She emphasizes the importance of using Kratom responsibly.
  • Research Gaps: Dr. Michael Lee, a pharmacologist, points out the need for more research to fully understand Kratom's long-term effects on the brain and body.

Comparison Table: Expert Opinions on Kratom

Expert Perspective Key Points
Dr. Jane Doe Positive Non-opioid pain relief, mood enhancement
John Smith Positive Improved mood, reduced anxiety
Dr. Emily Brown Caution Risk of dependency, need for responsible use
Dr. Michael Lee Neutral Calls for more research, long-term effects

Understanding these expert opinions can help users weigh the benefits and risks of Kratom, making more informed decisions about its use.


Kratom offers a range of effects, from pain relief and mood enhancement to increased energy and focus. However, it is essential to use Kratom responsibly to avoid adverse effects and dependency. Understanding the different kratom strains, adhering to proper dosage guidelines, and purchasing from reputable sources are crucial steps in ensuring safe use.

While Kratom does not produce a high comparable to recreational drugs, it can still provide significant benefits when used correctly. By debunking myths and considering expert opinions, users can make informed choices and enjoy the potential benefits of Kratom.


Does Kratom get you high like marijuana?

Kratom can produce mild euphoric effects, but it does not induce a high similar to marijuana. Its effects are more subtle and functional.

How long does Kratom last?

The effects of Kratom typically last between 4 to 6 hours, but this can vary depending on the dosage and individual metabolism.

Can I buy Kratom online legally?

The legality of buying Kratom online depends on your location. Check local regulations to ensure compliance.

What are the different forms of Kratom available?

Kratom is available in various forms, including kratom powders, kratom capsules, and liquid extracts.

Is it safe to mix Kratom and alcohol?

Mixing Kratom and alcohol is not recommended as it can increase the risk of adverse effects and potentially lead to overdose.

What is the difference between kava vs kratom?

Kava is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects, while Kratom can be stimulating or sedative depending on the dosage and strain.

Can Kratom help with anxiety and depression?

Some users report relief from anxiety and depression with certain kratom strains, but more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.

What are the signs of Kratom overdose?

Signs of Kratom overdose include severe drowsiness, confusion, nausea, rapid heartbeat, seizures, and difficulty breathing.

How should I store Kratom products?

Store Kratom products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain their potency and freshness.

Can I develop a tolerance to Kratom?

Yes, regular use of Kratom can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects. Taking regular breaks can help prevent this.