Kratom for Dogs: Discover The Benefits & Risks

Kratom for Dogs

Hadiqa Naqvi-TFC Marketing |

Discover if kratom for dogs offers benefits or risks. Learn about effects on pain, anxiety, and more with veterinary insights.

Understanding Kratom for Dogs

Kratom, derived from the leaves of the kratom plant, has gained popularity for its various properties in humans. Recently, interest has grown around its potential use in dogs. This detailed guide explores the potential benefits and risks of using kratom for dogs, how it works, proper dosage and administration, and much more. 

Kratom for Dogs

By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding kratom for dogs.

Understanding Kratom: What Is It and How It Works for Dogs

Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa. The leaves of the kratom plant contain active compounds called alkaloids, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which interact with opioid receptors in the brain.

The kratom plant, renowned for its psychoactive properties, has a long history of traditional medicinal use across human cultures. In humans, kratom's alkaloids interact with opioid receptors, offering effects akin to opioids but reportedly with fewer adverse reactions. While the mechanisms in dogs are believed to be similar, they remain less explored in scientific studies. Kratom is available in various forms such as powder, extract, capsules, and liquid, each differing in absorption rates and efficacy. 

Kratom for Dogs

Recent interest has surfaced regarding its potential benefits for dogs, particularly in managing pain, anxiety, and other ailments. However, research on kratom's effects in dogs is limited, predominantly relying on anecdotal evidence. Many veterinarians approach its use cautiously, emphasizing the need for more rigorous scientific investigation to better understand its safety and efficacy in veterinary medicine.

Potential Benefits of Kratom for Dogs

Despite the limited research, some potential benefits of kratom for dogs have been suggested based on anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies. These benefits include:

  1. Pain Relief: Kratom’s alkaloids may help manage chronic pain in dogs, particularly those with arthritis or other painful conditions.
  2. Anxiety Reduction: Some pet owners report that kratom helps reduce anxiety in their dogs, making it easier for them to handle stressful situations.
  3. Improved Mobility: For dogs with joint issues, kratom may improve mobility by reducing inflammation and pain.
  4. Enhanced Appetite: Kratom has been noted to improve appetite in dogs, which can be beneficial for those with eating difficulties.
  5. Energy Boost: In low doses, kratom may provide an energy boost, helping lethargic dogs become more active.
  6. Seizure Management: There are claims that kratom might help manage seizures in dogs, although this is largely anecdotal and requires more research.

State Regulations on Kratom Use for Dogs: Insights and Guidelines


In Ohio, kratom for dogs faces scrutiny due to concerns over toxicity and insufficient research. Veterinarians caution against its use until more is known about its effects on canine health. Pet owners are urged to consult veterinarians for guidance on safer treatment options.


Alabama's regulations on kratom use for dogs reflect safety concerns and limited research. Veterinarians advise against its use and recommend exploring alternative treatments with established safety profiles. Pet owners should seek professional veterinary advice before considering kratom.


Tennessee monitors kratom use for dogs cautiously, highlighting uncertainties about its safety and effectiveness. Veterinarians prioritize evidence-based treatments over kratom and urge pet owners to seek veterinary guidance for safer health management options.

North Carolina: 

Kratom use for dogs in North Carolina is approached cautiously due to safety concerns and a lack of definitive research. Veterinarians advise against its use until more data is available on potential risks and benefits. Pet owners are encouraged to consult with veterinarians to explore safer treatment alternatives.


Hawaii maintains strict oversight over kratom use for dogs, reflecting broader concerns about its potential health risks and limited understanding. Veterinary professionals in Hawaii generally discourage its use and recommend sticking to proven treatments with established safety records. Pet owners should prioritize consulting veterinarians to ensure their dogs receive appropriate and safe care.

Risks and Side Effects of Using Kratom for Dogs

While kratom may offer potential benefits, it also carries risks and potential side effects that must be carefully considered:

  • Toxicity: Dogs have different metabolisms than humans, and what is safe for humans can be toxic for dogs. There have been reports of kratom toxicity in dogs, leading to symptoms like vomiting, tremors, and seizures.
  • Dependency: Just like in humans, there is a risk of dependency and withdrawal symptoms in dogs if kratom is used regularly.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Kratom can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Behavioral Changes: Some dogs may experience changes in behavior, such as increased aggression or lethargy.
  • Liver and Kidney Strain: Long-term use of kratom could potentially strain the liver and kidneys, leading to organ damage.
  • Lack of Regulation: The kratom market is not well-regulated, leading to potential issues with purity and dosage accuracy, which can be particularly dangerous for dogs.
Kratom for Dogs

Proper Dosage and Administration of Kratom for Dogs

Determining the proper dosage of kratom for dogs is challenging due to the lack of research and the variability in kratom products. Here are some general guidelines based on anecdotal evidence:

  • Start Low and Slow: Begin with a very low dose to gauge your dog’s reaction. A common starting dose is 0.5 mg/kg of body weight.
  • Form Matters: Choose a form that is easy to administer, such as kratom capsules or liquid kratom. Kratom powder can be mixed with food or treats.
  • Monitor Closely: Observe your dog for any adverse reactions, such as vomiting, changes in behavior, or signs of distress.
  • Adjust Dosage: If no adverse effects are observed, the dosage can be gradually increased. However, never exceed 5 mg/kg without veterinary guidance.
  • Frequency: Kratom should not be given more than once or twice a day to avoid dependency and side effects.
  • Consult a Vet: Always consult with a veterinarian before starting kratom, especially if your dog has underlying health conditions or is taking other medications.

Kratom for Dogs: What Veterinarians Have to Say

Veterinarians are divided on the use of kratom for dogs. Here are some perspectives from the veterinary community:

  1. Cautious Optimism: Some veterinarians see potential in kratom’s benefits for managing pain and anxiety but stress the need for more research.
  2. Safety Concerns: Many veterinarians are concerned about the lack of dosage guidelines and the potential for toxicity.
  3. Legal and Ethical Issues: There are legal and ethical considerations regarding the use of kratom in pets, as it is not approved by the FDA for animal use.
  4. Alternative Treatments: Veterinarians often recommend established treatments with proven safety and efficacy over kratom.
  5. Case-by-Case Basis: Some veterinarians are willing to consider kratom on a case-by-case basis, particularly when other treatments have failed.
  6. Educational Gap: There is a need for more education and training for veterinarians regarding the use of kratom in pets.

User Experiences: Kratom for Dogs – Real Stories

Here are some real stories from pet owners who have used kratom for their dogs:

  1. Chronic Pain Management: One owner reported that kratom helped their elderly dog with arthritis regain mobility and reduce pain.
  2. Anxiety Relief: A pet owner shared that kratom helped calm their dog’s anxiety during thunderstorms and fireworks.
  3. Improved Appetite: Another user noted that kratom improved their dog’s appetite after a surgery.
  4. Energy Boost: Some owners found that kratom provided a gentle energy boost for their lethargic pets.
  5. Mixed Results: Not all experiences are positive; some users reported adverse effects such as vomiting and lethargy.
  6. Kratom Reviews: Online kratom reviews from pet owners are mixed, highlighting the need for caution and veterinary guidance.

Comparing Kratom with Traditional Treatments for Dogs

Comparing kratom with traditional treatments can help pet owners make informed decisions. When comparing kratom with traditional treatments for dogs, it's important for pet owners to weigh the pros and cons. Kratom is natural and shows potential for pain relief and anxiety reduction, but it carries risks such as toxicity, limited research, and potential dependency. 

NSAIDs offer effective pain relief but can lead to gastrointestinal issues and kidney damage. Opioids provide strong pain relief but come with dependency issues and side effects due to their controlled substance status. 

Kratom for Dogs

CBD oil is natural and can reduce inflammation and anxiety, though its effectiveness varies and it may interact with other medications. Acupuncture is holistic and can improve mobility but requires multiple sessions and isn't always effective. Physical therapy improves mobility and strengthens muscles but is time-consuming and may not be suitable for all dogs.

Here’s a comparison:



Risks and Side Effects


Natural, potential pain relief, anxiety reduction

Toxicity risk, lack of research, dependency


Effective pain relief

Gastrointestinal issues, kidney damage


Strong pain relief

Dependency, side effects, controlled substance


Natural, anti-inflammatory, anxiety relief

Variable effectiveness, interaction with other meds


Holistic, can improve mobility

Requires multiple sessions, not always effective

Physical Therapy

Improves mobility, strengthens muscles

Time-consuming, may not be suitable for all dogs

Legal Considerations: Is Kratom Safe and Legal for Dogs?

The legal status and safety of kratom for dogs are complex issues. Here are some key points:

  1. Regulatory Status: Kratom is not approved by the FDA for use in animals, making its legal status ambiguous.
  2. Safety Concerns: The lack of research on kratom’s effects on dogs raises safety concerns among veterinarians and pet owners.
  3. Quality Control: The kratom market is not well-regulated, leading to concerns about product purity and dosage accuracy.
  4. Veterinary Guidance: Always consult with a veterinarian before giving kratom to your dog to ensure it is used safely and appropriately.
  5. Legal Risks: Depending on your location, using kratom for dogs may have legal implications. Check local regulations before use.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Consider the ethical implications of using a substance that is not well-studied in dogs and may carry risks.


The use of kratom for dogs is a topic of growing interest but also significant controversy. While some anecdotal evidence suggests potential benefits for pain relief, anxiety reduction, and improved mobility, the risks and lack of scientific research cannot be ignored. Pet owners considering kratom for their dogs should proceed with caution, starting with low doses, monitoring their pets closely, and consulting with a veterinarian. 

The legal and ethical implications must also be considered to ensure the safety and well-being of their furry friends. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a balanced view, highlighting both the potential benefits and the serious risks associated with kratom for dogs.


What should I do if my dog accidentally ingests kratom? 

If your dog accidentally consumes kratom, contact your veterinarian immediately. Symptoms of kratom ingestion in dogs can vary widely and may include nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and agitation. Seek prompt veterinary care to assess and manage any potential health risks.

Is kratom legal for veterinary use in all states? 

Kratom legality varies by state, and while it may be legal for human consumption in some places, its use for veterinary purposes is often not explicitly regulated or recommended. Check with local veterinary authorities or consult with a veterinarian to understand the legal implications in your area.

What are the signs of kratom toxicity in dogs? 

Signs of kratom toxicity in dogs can include agitation, rapid heart rate, tremors, seizures, and in severe cases, respiratory depression. If you suspect your dog may be experiencing kratom toxicity, seek immediate veterinary attention for assessment and treatment.

Are there specific breeds or sizes of dogs that should not take kratom? 

There is no specific breed or size of dog recommended for kratom use due to the lack of extensive research on its effects in canines. Veterinarians generally advise against its use in all dogs until more is known about potential risks and benefits.

How should kratom be administered to dogs?

Start with a low dose, monitor closely, and consult a veterinarian. Use forms like kratom capsules or liquid kratom for easier administration.

What do veterinarians think about using kratom for dogs?

Veterinarians are divided, with some seeing potential benefits and others concerned about safety and lack of research.

How does kratom compare to traditional treatments for dogs?

Kratom offers a natural alternative with potential benefits but carries risks and lacks the extensive research supporting traditional treatments.

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